In March, COERR provided a livelihood training for refugees to become food shop owner in the future. This training provide refugees who like to have their own business to know about noodle dish making; which they can easily prepare and earn for their living; know how to make other dishes and also teach their family members to have a career.
The course was organized in Ban Mae Lama Luang camp on March 23, 2016 for 13 male and 14 female, totaling 27 people. Another course was trained in Ban Mae La Oon on March 24, with interested 24 young refugees consisting 10 male and 14 female. The trainees were trained about benefit of livelihood program; various kinds of equipment, food ingredients, noodle soup recipes, and noodle soup cooking. In addition, refugees learn how to run noodle shop as business and calculate cost and benefit. Then the trainer and trainees plan to have a refresher course in the future.
